
I’ve been an avid reader and practitioner of occult studies for about 15 years now. I think. It went on and off for a bit in the beginning. I’ve been from one side of the spectrum to the other and found a home square in the middle. It seems the best way to get results is pull pieces that work from both sides and apply them ruthlessly without fear. I’ve built my own philosophy through the years, and I’m trying to get it down on paper so it becomes less of a random conglomeration of thoughts and a more a working theory. Some of my arguments are emotional, some are logical, some are downright insane, but I think it comes together farily well. I’m not in a mental institution and I’m a functioning member of society, kind of, so we’ll assume others will be able to take something out of my inane ramblings. If all this does is make you think, its done its job.

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