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 The Secret Fire is a term used by alchemists. It is a term that has a debatable definition. I assume each alchemist has his own definition. I’ve been lead to realize that the Secret Fire is the combination of energies, under the direction of will, to cause an effect. The Secret Fire is the primal cause, the only cause, and every cause. It is that which Creates. It is not the Creator, but it is his tool, like the Word in Genesis.


Since objective reality is the ultimate arbiter of truth, and since the Secret Fire seeks to combine several subjective experiences into reality, the control of it is the ultimate aim of every Alchemist, and also the ultimate aim of every occultist, whether they think so or not. Any occultist working towards a higher understanding of the universe is seeking to understand and manipulate the Secret Fire. The power of the Secret Fire is to take the subjective reality, that which we can only sense after a massive mental shift, the powers of Light, Darkness, Will, and turn them into an objective reality. Manifestation would be the most obvious use of the Secret Fire. A scientist might liken it to turning energy directly into matter.


Physicists know the Secret Fire as the Higgs-Boson, the God Damn particle, a theoretical particle that bestows upon matter its Mass, for without Mass matter has no properties that can be described as matter. No inertia, no gravity, no force. All of these require Mass, and without that magical property, they cannot interact in the myriad of ways we know matter to interact. Without Mass, there is no reality.


Granted reality requires more than mass, but it is one of its inherent properties. Its important to remember that no one thing, except that One Thing, is solely responsible for all reality, and I’m not sure about that One Thing either. Its a philosophical leap to assume that everything has its opposite, and if you add up all the opposites, you end up with one thing that is its own opposite, from which all other things come and to which all other things must eventually return. Its an assumption from which one can create a working model of the universe. All of science is based off a few assumptions. The big bang for instance, is an assumption. “Give us one miracle,” the scientists like to say, “and I’ll explain the rest of Universe.”


I guess its time to add a caveat. All cosmologies, and I do mean all, are models. They create a framework from which we attempt to deduce truth. The definition of truth is, that which exists, that which exists despite what you or I believe. Your truth, and my truth, are a matter of perspective, but THE TRUTH exists, despite my perceptions. Everything I’ve talked about up until now is a matter of perspective, and all I’ve been doing is telling you what I’ve seen, to try and open your mind to possibility. In order to convince you that what I’m saying is the truth, I must be able to make an objective demonstration, or at least convince you by deducing it from an objective truth.


You cannot break Natural Law.


But you can understand the law, and through a better understanding of the law, specialize it, and get more out of it. An example, for better understanding: Its 400 years ago, a man is dying of a blood infection acquired when he cut himself on a branch while clearing his land. The doctor tells you the man has bad blood inside him. It needs to be removed. While this is technically correct, the cause is not the blood itself, but the infection in the blood. Through a better understanding of our bodies we are better able to correct errors.


He is dying. There are two ways to cure him, that I know of. You can use light and stimulate his immune system, or you can use darkness to attack the infection. Whether you do this by summoning darkness and tracking it to the site of the infection, or you mix of a concoction of anti-bacterials, that is up to you. There are medications and plants that would boost the man’s immune system to the point where he could fight off the infection as well. Light and Dark will both work to overcome the infection, as long as the man is strong and willing to fight.


Whatever you do, if the man recovers, the doctor will denounce you as a witch. Even if he does not go that far, he will never forgive you, because he is a doctor, and he knows all there is to know about curing illness. In his eyes, you broke a Natural Law, and the only way to do that is to consort with the devil. Despite the fact that the devil can’t break Natural Law either, that sort of fear of the unknown has not receded all that much today. While the consequences are far less physical, they still exist.


Instead of witch, the word today is charlatan, or cheater, or nutjob, or whatever term they use to insinuate you are attempting to deceive people. It was much easier when there was a universal symbol for deception, but its all the same thing. You worship the devil, you are attempting to manipulate and mislead. Change is despised by those who have the most to lose. Who is actually doing the misleading? Only through clarity and understanding can you hope to obtain that answer, and at the forefront of every great change, clarity is often sacrificed for swift progress.


If you’ve ever read any scientific papers from before the nineteenth century, you will find yourself awash in a sea of different terms, depending on who is doing the writing. It took a few hundred years, but the scientific community eventually got together and decided on what words were to represent what. That’s why when you read Maxwell and Faraday, you won’t see a single mention of Volts, Amps, or Hertz, even though the explanation of their theories today are awash in those terms. Terms like electric vapor, or fluid, were gotten rid of in favor of electric field.


When you read metaphysical stuff today, you find the same problem the scientists had a hundred years ago. Different terms for the same thing, each term invented by the writer of that particular book. You might see some similarity in groups, such as OTO publications, and alchemy guilds seem to have consolidated various terms, anybody who was involved in Theosophy tried to use the same terms as the ancient Indians. That’s why the word for the subtle energy of light has so many various forms, Manna, Prana, Or, Chi, Ki, and so many more I can’t remember off the top of my head. Will has a few, Focus, Attention, Thought, and so forth. I’m sure Darkness has just as many, but most of the occult groups prefer to pretend Darkness is evil and therefore either won’t work with it or won’t talk about it if they do. It has the same stigma as mind altering drugs. Its bad because authorities say its bad.


Now I promised to talk about the Secret Fire. It may seem I’ve gone on a little tangent, but I’ll assume it was necessary, putting the last bits of the puzzle together before I bring on the finished picture. In all hermetic philosophy, one of the major tenants is: That which is above corresponds to that which is below. Not meaning the physical directions we normally think of as up and down, we’re talking up and down in frequency.


We’ll take light as an example, since its so well understood compared to most things. At the low end of the spectrum you have infrared, radar, radio waves, and suchlike. At the high end of the spectrum you have ultraviolet, xrays, gamma rays, and probably more that we haven’t uncovered yet. In the middle is visible light. Yet its all the same thing. It was through an understanding of radio waves that we have an understanding of gamma rays. They are all vibrations of photons, or the luminiferous ether, whichever you prefer. Through the principle of resonance, you can cause an effect on a completely different level than the one you are stimulating. Using mathematical principles I don’t have time to go into here, you can predict which portion of the spectrum you are going to have an effect on if you stimulate another portion.


Now a spectrum insinuates a line. I propose a curve, a hyperbola to be exact. The best way to visualize a hyperbola is an hour glass, only the small part where the sand pours through doesn’t exist. Two bowls, one upside down, another placed right side up on top of it. The top part would represent the Light spectrum, with visible light being the tip of the bowl before it goes back up towards infinity. I choose visible light because like most humans, I assume myself to be at the center. So the part I can see must be one of the most important parts.




 The upside-down part represents Darkness. We can’t see the Darkness, we have trouble sensing it because we are used to sensing things that come at us, instead of things moving away from us. We see photons smacking into our eye parts. We can’t see a black hole, but we can sense it because of the few photons that get flung off just before the event horizon. The black hole, the ultimate sucker in the universe, is the corollary of the ultimate radiator, or a star. As the black hole moves towards infinite Darkness, it has no choice but to end up at the top of the other side, and bounce back towards light, or radiation. That’s why you find particles being radiated by black holes, the amount small compared to the amount being sucked in, but a black hole can’t help but move back towards radiance, just like a sun can’t help but move back towards absorption, aka solar flares and sunspots. Solar flares shoot out from the sun, then get sucked into the center. Watch one carefully and you can see it happen.


The theory is that black holes are created by super massive stars collapsing in on themselves. Eventually black holes have to do the same thing, and turn back into stars. These things happen over millions of years, and I doubt if a black hole turning back into a star is even possible to prove, but it follows from my own assumptions that would be the case. As above so below, it follows that this process happens inside us as well. We move from radiation to absorption in a cyclical manner, back and forth like a heartbeat. The only difference is this process is under our indirect control. The subconscious mind controls automatic processes, like heartbeats and breathing. But through Will we can control these processes and even change their operating parameters.


Just like we are God of our own minds, we are the God our own bodies as well. Information has even been uncovered we can change our very genes based on our Will. Look up Bruce Lipton and his book The Biology of Belief. The long and short of it is, because we control the environment of our bodies based on control proteins released by our brains, we can control how our body reacts to anything.


So the Secret Fire, the combination of Light and Darkness, through Will, to create the power that ultimately causes all things. With this under control, we now have control over all things, instead of just our minds and bodies, but through the understanding of gaining control over our own minds and bodies, we gain the wisdom to understand what the consequences of using the Secret Fire might be. We can use Secret Fire to control everything, but the consequences of such actions will be unknown to us and we may be surprised by the effects we cause. It is through wisdom and control of our own actions that we understand how to use that control on other things. Again, I do not recommend using this to control sentient beings although that is technically possible.


There is a reason occult sciences used to have something called initiation. One would have to prove oneself capable of self restraint before any knowledge would be given. That knowledge could then be wielded responsibly, or so they hoped. There are theories of secret occult wars that turned into overt wars between nations. Sure, you could summon a ball of fire from your hand, but that kind of flashy bullshit makes you a target. Far easier to control the most dangerous power of all from the sidelines. People. This is why I don’t recommend attempting to use your powers on people. It never ends well.


So there you have it, my current model of how life, the universe, and everything operates. I’m sure I’m missing a few things, but that’s the glory of life. There’s always more to learn, always more laws to uncover, specialize, and through Will and a better understanding, transcend. Never be afraid of change. Embrace it, direct it, and you will be as Gods.